How to Convert MHTML to PDF by WPS?

July 31, 20231.3K views

What is mhtml to pdf converter?

Mhtml is the name for mime HTML documents. The web browser save the mhtml files as .mhtml with an encoding .mime. These are saved as .mht files or through a common .mhtml extension. These files contain different types of web content on a webpage, including images, videos, audio, CSS, and javascript. Web developers use this file format for archival purposes. These files can be opened in any form of web browsers like internet explorer, chrome, google, and Microsoft edge. These tools are used to convert mhtml to pdf and are called mhtml to pdf converters.

What is the importance of mhtml to pdf converter?

Mhtml files are sometimes displayed incorrectly in internet explorer. This error is due to a slow net issue. Sometimes these files are not browsed by chrome or other browsers. Sometimes users want to save webpage content in the form of a pdf or word so that they can easily open it when required. Students mostly want to make assignments and want to convert the mhtml files to pdf. So, they often look for how to convert mhtml files to pdf. Mhtml files are mostly not secure and are not private.

Why use mhtml to pdf converters?

Mhtml to pdf converters are mostly free to use. And their paid versions are also not much expensive. Mhtml to pdf converters convert the files quickly into the pdf file.

These tools make it easy for you to read the document anytime. You can even share your documents with friends and comment on these documents. Also, it's important to highlight the important points in the pdf.

How to convert mhtml to pdf?

The method to convert mhtml to pdf by WPS is the same as the method to convert doc, Docx, ppt, or any other file. Here are the steps to follow.

Open your mhtml file in the WPS office.

1.Go to menu option


2.And click the save as option.


3.Click other formats and select the file type as pdf.


4.You can also convert the mhtml file to pdf just by clicking the export to pdf option. And then select either you want to convert your file into common pdf or picture pdf. And then click the export to pdf button.

You can see this is just a two or three-step process.


Improvements in mhtml to pdf converters:

Mhtml to pdf converter should allow the user to convert multiple files at a time. Suppose someone wants to convert four files at a time. There should be an option to browse all four files simultaneously and convert them into PDFs. These files should be secure. These converters should ensure privacy. Such pdf tools converters should be completely free to use.

Guide to download WPS

Here is how to convert mHTML to pdf. Download WPS office to enjoy different conversions for free. WPS office ensures the conversion of mhtml files to pdf to be completely secure and private. You can use WPS to convert all types of files into pdf format. And these facilities are available for free. You must try this tool to make your student and professional life much easier.

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