Kingsoft to Ms Word Converter Offline and Online
What is a WPS file and how to convert it to MS Word file?
A WPS file is a word processing document created in WPS Writer with the same format and layout as ms word doc file. WPS files can be opened using Microsoft Word on Windows computers, or WPS Office viewer on Mac OS X, or with an online file converter or file viewer website. WPS Office is a great tool and comes in handy all the time and offers a great alternative to the Microsoft Office suite, supports various file types and has a very familiar workspace and interface.
WPS to MS Word converter is used to convert the WPS based word document to MS word based .doc or .docx. If you have MS Office or WPS Office installed in your system then you don't need to convert WPS to Word. However if you still need to convert WPS documents to Word then this blog will discuss the best WPS to Word converters.
FreeConvert WPS to MS Word Converter
FreeConvert is the best WPS to MS Word converter. Visit FreeConvert online converter and process your WPS file.
Simply upload your WPS file and click the convert button. You can also convert many WPS files to WORD format. FreeConvert uses both open source and custom software to make sure the conversion is of highest quality with file security and privacy.
In most cases, you can customize “Advanced Settings” (optional, look for the icon). FreeConvert WPS to WORD Converter is free and works on all web browsers.
ZamZar WPS to Doc Converter
Most well-known brands like Google, the Guardian and indeed rely on Zamzar to convert their files safely and efficiently, ensuring they have the formats they need for the job at hand. From global corporations to local educational establishments and newspaper publications, employees of these organizations trust Zamzar to provide the accurate and reliable conversion service they need.
Click on choose file and upload your WPS document.
When uploaded, click on “convert now” and your file will start converting to DOC.
Download the converted file.
Free File Convert WPS to MS Word Converter
Freefileconvert is the free WPS to MS Word converter that converts WPS files to Word documents.
Select the WPS document in the DOC format to convert to the WPS format, you can select a file from your computer or your Google Drive or Dropbox account.
When uploaded, click the Convert button, you can convert up to 5 files at the same time and a maximum size of up to 300 MB.
Wait until your file is uploaded and converted into the WPS document format, and then download the converted file.
Related: Smallpdf vs iLovepdf vs WPS (2022 Pro Version)
This blog has discussed the three best online WPS to Word Converters and the procedure for how to convert. WPS file is a widely used format for documents which is similar to MS Word document file format. You do not need to convert files if you have WPS Office installed on your system. WPS Office is an all-in-one office suite that gives you full access to edit documents in .wps, .doc, .docx, .xlx, .xlsx and .png etc. Download the WPS Office app now
Free download WPS Office Software for Windows with 7-day free trial right now!
Also Read:
- 1. How to Use Image Converter of WPS for Free in 2022: Online and Offline Ways
- 2. WPS PDF to Word Converter Offline and Online
- 3. How to Convert JPG to PDF in Windows 10 Offline And Online: All The Nine Yards
- 4. How To Convert PDF To Text | Online And Offline Tool
- 5. How to Convert PDF to JPG Online and Offline
- 6. How to Make a PDF Editable Online and Offline
- 7. Kingsoft PDF To Word Converter App: Offline And Online
- 8. How to Separate Pages in PDF Online and Offline
- 9. Easy Steps for How to Convert Word to PDF Free Online and Offline
- 10. How to Quickly Add a Signature to PDF Online and Offline in 2024